The Art Institute of Chicago

Hello!! It's been a hot minute since I've been active on my blog due to my school and work load, but this past weekend I flew to Chicago to see my man graduate from bootcamp and spend the weekend with him and his family! We were lucky enough to have the opportunity to visit the Art Institute of Chicago, which I've been wanting to visit! 

We saw a couple of Lichtenstein paintings which were magnificent. I always imagined them as being smaller in person but they were huge! It was amazing to see all the detail up close. 

There was a section of the museum that consisted of arms and armory which was amazing!! I have never seen this many weapons and armor in a single room. 

It was interesting to see how even children had armor at that time! 

All of the gorgeous pieces below are made of gilded bronze and were used during mass so long ago. My picture really doesn't do it justice! 

Gustavo and Claude Monet

We saw one of Vincent Van Gogh's self-portraits as well as a few of his other works which again were beautiful!

 The museum housed a couple of Jackson Polluck pieces as well.

There were a lot of Georgia O'Keeffe paintings, with many people sitting down and sketching around them. Seeing people's drive to create and the art scene continuing to thrive is really motivational. I know I saw more than a few statues and paintings myself that inspired me and gave me ideas when it comes to my own art.

 Georges Seurat's A Sunday on La Grande Jatte was also exciting to see in person, I never imagined it being as large as it is!

Seeing Rene Magritte's pieces in person was truly incredible. I love surrealism and his work, I actually have a tattoo of Magritte's Lovers (II) which I hope I can see in person someday. 

Some details from Salvador Dali's Inventions of the Monsters. 

I did not expect to see a Piet Mondrian piece so I was thrilled when I stumbled upon this piece!

There were a few video instillations and a couple of Duchamp works which were exciting to see as well.

I didn't snap a photo, but I also saw the Shiva as Lord of Dance copper alloy statue which was stunning! It was always one of my favorite pieces that I learned about when I took art history and I can't believe how lucky I was to see it in person! 

Finally seeing all these pieces from artists I've admired is such an amazing feeling! I'm visiting New York City at the end of the year and I hope to be able to visit the MET or the MoMA so I can see even more art.

Thank you for reading, and come again!

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